Primary job functions: will include staff scheduling, non-fiction book selection, book discussion leadership and reference desk duties. Must be able to work cooperatively with co-workers and be committed to exceptional customer service.
Education, qualifications and experience: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited library school (or its foreign equivalent) preferred; and a minimum of 3 -5 years of experience in professional public library work and especially including some experience in an administrative capacity. Must have ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees and the public.
Salary and benefits: This is a full-time benefits eligible position at 37 hours a week, with weekends in rotation. Preference given to candidates who can work at least two Saturdays a month. Salary range is $58,000- 62,000 and dependent upon experience.
Please submit a resume and cover letter no later than February 7, 2023 to Lisa Timothy, Executive Director, East Lyme Public Library, 39 Society Road, Niantic, CT 06357 or No Phone Calls please.