Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Foreign Language Catalogers - The Donohue Group, Inc., Windsor, CT

Foreign Language Catalogers - The Donohue Group, Inc. is expanding its pool of experienced catalogers to work on an on-call basis in our Windsor, CT office or remotely.
     Duties: Perform original and/or copy cataloging on a variety of foreign language materials (print & non-print). Volume of work will depend on client needs.
     Required qualifications: MLS (ALA accredited) or equivalent experience; fluency in English and at least one foreign language. We are particularly interested in the following languages: Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Haitian Creole, Indic languages, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Ukrainian. Those persons with skills in languages not listed are also encouraged to apply, as our client needs are constantly changing.
     Recent experience required in: original and copy cataloging, RDA, AACR2, LC and DDC classification, LCSH, OCLC searching and MARC editing.
     Preferred skills: excellent communication; ability to work independently; efficiency in managing cataloging workflow to ensure client specifications and deadlines are met.
     For remote work, must have: access to computer with latest operating system, ability to download OCLC Connexion Client, reliable high-speed Internet connection.
     Compensation: Will vary, depending on client project criteria. Benefits not included.
     Email cover letter and resume to Ms. Pat McCurdy-Crescimanno, Manager, Business Development, The Donohue Group, Inc. at
     Web Site: