Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Adult Program Coordinator - Scoville Memorial Library, Salisbury, CT

Adult Program Coordinator - The Scoville Memorial Library in Salisbury, CT seeks a creative, energetic, focused self-starter with strong communication and technology skills to join our staff as the Adult Program Coordinator. This position supports the successful operation of the Library by planning, organizing, promoting, and executing a wide variety of high quality, diverse and relevant programs and classes -- generally more than 200 each year -- for adults that reflect the Library’s mission to "engage and enrich the Salisbury Community by providing a thoughtfully curated collection,interactive and inspiring programs, and innovative services." Approximately 20-25 hours per week on average; salaried at $32,500, paid time off, health insurance negotiable. Please email Claudia Cayne, Library Director at for the full job description and to submit a letter of interest and resume.