Monday, November 02, 2020

Boundless Librarian - Hartford Public Library

Boundless Librarian - Hartford Public Library. The Boundless Librarian works closely with Hartford Public Schools and Hartford Public Library leadership teams to continue a plan and vision for the Boundless Library @ Rawson as the vibrant academic hub and the center of a rich learning culture within the school community. The Librarian is responsible for the Boundless Library which will serve students, teachers, parents and family of students, as well as offer community access to collections, services and programs. The Librarian is responsible for developing a robust, supportive and multi-faceted community school environment. The Boundless Librarian will also represent and promote the Boundless program at the district level. The year-round position reports to the Youth & Family Services System-Wide Manager at the Hartford Public Library. Responsibilities include:
     Rawson Operational Management and Service Delivery: Operates and supervises the Boundless Library at Rawson School during designated school and after-school hours, including collaborating with community programs based at the school. Blends leading-edge library services with innovative, research-based approaches to fostering learning and literacy. Create and implement a school-wide digital literacy/digital citizenship initiative. Leads programs on 21st century digital skills. Leads after school programs for students and their families based on the two-gen approach to learning. Develops professional and collaborative relationships with teachers in order to design innovative educational uses for learning commons spaces and resources, may push into classrooms. Assists students, teachers, and families with the use of HPL systems and materials.
     Program and Outreach: Encourages parental involvement in students' education and HPL programming. Coordinates with youth and family services staff at the Hartford Public Library to create consistent programming and messaging across the whole system. Coordinates with other HPL departments and community organizations to offer programming of interest at the Boundless Library for all ages. Leads professional development and opportunities to learn about HPL resources for HPS teachers across the system. Oversees outreach to summer school programs and camps during the summer months.
     Collection and Curriculum Development: Coordinates with HPL staff and school staff members to assist in the selection of books and other instructional materials in line with the curriculum, the learners, and the teaching styles and instructional strategies used within the school community; keeps students, families, and teaching staff informed regarding new acquisitions for use in the school and Hartford Public Library programs.
     Other: Continues to acquire professional knowledge and learn of current developments in the educational and library field by attending seminars, workshops or professional meetings, or by conducting research. Performs other related tasks as assigned by the Principal and Youth and Family Services System-Wide Manager and other central office administrators as designated by the Superintendent and Chief Executive Officer of the Library.
     Secondary Functions: Work at HPL locations as needed
     Note: This is a temporary, grant-funded position ending on or before 10/31/2022 with the possibility of renewal.
     Requirements: Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA accredited school. Knowledge of applicable federal and state laws regarding education and students. Ability to use computer network system and software applications as needed. Ability to organize and coordinate work. Ability to communicate effectively with students and parents. Ability to engage in self-evaluation with regard to performance and professional growth. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with others contacted in the course of work. Use of library-issued digital tools and technology.
     Preferred: CT State Certification School Library Media Specialist (062). Teaching experience at the elementary level.
     To Apply: Please email resume and cover letter to and reference Boundless Librarian in the subject line of your email.