Thursday, August 15, 2024

Boundless School Librarian @ West Middle School - Hartford Public Library

The Hartford Public Library is a national leader in redefining urban public libraries in the 21st century as innovative, stimulating and engaging spaces where people can learn and discover, explore their passions and find a rich array of resources that contribute to a full life. Come join us!

Boundless School Librarian @ West Middle School: Full Time

The Boundless Librarian works closely with Hartford Public Schools and Hartford Public Library leadership teams to develop a plan and vision for the transformation of the assigned Boundless Library into a vibrant academic hub and the center of a rich learning culture within the school community. The Librarian is responsible for the Boundless Library and will serve students, teachers, parents and families of students, as well as offer community access to collections, services and programs. The Librarian is responsible for developing a robust, supportive and multi-faceted community school environment. The year-round position requires some evenings and weekends.

To Apply: See the full job announcement HERE. Email resume and cover letter to and reference “Boundless School Librarian” in the subject line of your email.