Thursday, October 28, 2021

Digital Navigators - Hartford Public Library, CT

Digital Navigators - Hartford Public Library. In connection with the CT State Library, Hartford Public Library is launching a grant-funded pilot program titled Digital Inclusion for Older Adults. We are looking to hire several Digital Navigators, who will work with community members 55 and older, in person and remotely, to help them build their digital literacy through technological assistance and training. These are contracted, part-time, temporary appointments beginning in the end of October/start of November through July 2022. Digital Navigators will also help oversee the work of teens and young adults functioning as Digital Mentors. To learn about the program, and what our digital navigators will do, visit this link.
     Job Overview: The Digital Navigator provides individualized or small group assistance to community members 55 and older, who need affordable home internet service, affordable internet-capable devices, and/or coaching in introductory digital skills in order to become effective home internet users. This assistance is provided primarily by voice telephone but may also include email, text, video chat, and other communication methods that work for the learner.
     Responsibilities and Duties: Receive, return or initiate telephone contact with clients seeking assistance or identified by HPL for assistance. Discuss with each client their home internet access or need for home internet access, technology experiences and their devices. Assess their access to technology, current digital skill level pertaining to what they need to accomplish the plan, connectivity needs, and internet use priorities. Set agreed goals for Digital Navigator services. Confirm the details with the client. If necessary, advise clients about free or affordable home internet service options for which they may qualify, assist clients to apply for services they choose, and support their efforts to secure service. If necessary, advise clients about sources of affordable computers or other internet connected devices for which they may qualify, and support their efforts to acquire appropriate devices and where they can get help for repair. Coach clients as necessary to use their home internet services in order to meet their internet use priorities. This may include both in person, phone, and online interactions, as well as referral to sources of additional digital literacy skill training. Track each client’s progress and types of requests, keep accurate and timely records, and report outcomes as required. Plan and manage assistance to each client with the goal of fulfilling the agreed goals. Attend regular meetings with HPL staff and NDIA consultants. Other tasks as necessary.
     Critical Skills and Aptitudes: Ability to embrace the challenge of learning and teaching basic technological concepts related to internet services, computer and device characteristics, and common online services and applications. Excellent self-organization, language capacity, and cultural competency. Excellent telephone and online communication skills, including the ability to establish trust with clients of varied educational and cultural backgrounds. Ability to demonstrate positive attitude, excellent interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity and a sense of humor in working with diverse customers, coworkers, and community. Ability to creatively solve problems, and negotiate and handle stressful situations in a positive manner. Ability to provide excellent customer service, establish appropriate boundaries with clients, and to demonstrate innovation and flexibility.
     Requirements: Strong technology skills. Customer service experience. Patience & empathy. High School Diploma. Some college coursework.
     Preferred: Teaching experience. Bilingual. Experience helping or working with older adults.
     This is a contract position: no benefits, no taxes withheld. 10 hours/week minimum, up to 30 hours/week through July of 2022. Schedules are flexible and may include evenings and weekends. Pay is $20.00 per hour. Up to 1,140 hours may be worked during the grant period by any one Navigator.
     Applicants should send a brief cover letter, their resume, and their availability (days and times they are available to work) to